Donate using PayPal, iDeal or Bancontact Belgium:
Use the following form for donations using PayPal, iDeal or Bancontact Belgium:
Donate using Creditcard
If you would like to make a donation using a creditcard, please use the form below.
Name, email address and message are optional fields.
PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU MAKE A DONATION. EUROS vs DOLLARS. Comma’s ( , ) vs Periods ( . ) If you use comma’s or periods when you choose your donation amount, be aware that they have a different meaning in the financial language of some countries. To make sure your donation is what you intend it to be, do not use either a comma or period. Keep it plain and simple. (Ten Dollars = 10) (A thousand dollars = 1000) We experienced some unintentional donation amounts but were able to cancel those and we are keeping an eye on it diligently. If you still have a less than smooth experience using this page to donate, please let us know immediately and we get on it… We are working on expanding options as well. Use this link to reach us : Thank you.
Passion and love go a long way to make miracles happen. But the harsh reality is that, without money, survival is just one step away from surrender. Keep their newfound hope alive. For that, your help is crucial. Any donation strengthens the lifelines we build to keep our magical place up and running. You’ve seen how we conquer our struggles and celebrate our many victories. Please give. Even better : Give with love.
I invite you to become part of our army of love and compassion. The children might not know you personally (though you are welcome to visit), but they know about you. I tell them every day that there is a world out there that cares. And if you give these children a future, they will change the world. One by glorious one. From all of us at Sanctuary Santa Maria de la Esperanza : Thank you and Muchas Gracias.