In the last two weeks our orphanage opened their doors and hearts for twelve more abandoned children. I saw fear and hurt on their faces. No one is refused. But we are scrambling to make space for them. In ten days our population grew by more than 15
Reach out and help
There is a ‘sister’ orphanage about 5 hours bus travel from ours. Their sanctuary has been underwater for more than a week. The water level in their home is now about 1 meter. 25 children are evacuated to our orphanage in Olón. Suddenly we have 25
Christmas 2018
Three of our children performing at the open air chapel on Christmas day.Many more pictures on Erwin's facebook page.
MJM Foundation and website launch
Although already many months in the making, today we are announcing the birth of our MJM foundation and website. We will add stories all the time. Please check in often and stay in touch with us.
Our ‘Water’ project – Phase one
We have been fundraising for this project for almost nine months and we finally are going full speed ahead to have purified water for all our children. Only one of its kind in our region. A giant purifying system. First step into a life-changing
Local Fundraiser
Yesterday our local FOSMO team staged their annual fundraiser party to benefit the orphanage's Christmas event. The music class students brought their instruments and rocked out. Our homegrown talent played to a full house. Two rock chicks in the
Six more children arrived
We are now taking care of over 70 children in a facility that is officially designated for 50.
Rock concert benefit
Three rock bands turn up the volume to benefit our future water project
Dutch superstar donates Platinum record
ANOUK auctions off one of her platinum record awards to help with our plans to build a new water supply system.